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Vision: Committed to becoming a motor expert in the HVAC industry! 

Vision Interpretation:

1.HVAC industry: heating, gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning engineering, including: heating, ventilation, air conditioning;
2. Motor experts: focused, professional and speciality.

Values: customer-centric, good products!

Interpretation of values:

1. Customer first, the reasonable interests of customers are superior to all other interests, and the customer's business takes precedence over everything else;
2. Be trustworthy to customers and do what you say;
3. Always insist on creating value for customers;
4. Customer generalization: customers do not only refer to external customers; Internally, the marketing department is the customer of all departments and personnel, and the downstream process/business node is the upstream customer;
5. Unite and do a good job in products;
6. Dare to innovate and continuously improve in order to continue to do a good job in products.

Eight advocates and eight against:

Advocate customer first, oppose narrow self-interest;
Advocate honesty and trustworthiness, and oppose fraud;
Advocate rapid response and oppose procrastination and laziness;
Advocate positive innovation and oppose conformism;
Advocate continuous improvement and oppose unenterprising;
Advocate teamwork and oppose individualism;
Advocate the courage to take responsibility and oppose shirking responsibility;
Advocate energy conservation and oppose waste of resources.